SourceTree "Select a credential helper" repeatedly appearing

Atlassian's SourceTree has an annoying habit of prompting to select a credential helper. Here's how to resolve the issue. The fix is to update the local GIT config.  The file (on windows) is located at: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_local\etc\gitconfig and the "credential: helper" key needs to be set to "manager", as below: [core] symlinks = false autocrlf = true fscache = true [color] diff = auto status = auto branch = auto interactive = true [pack] packSizeLimit = 2g [h…

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Installing/Updating SourceTree's local GIT implementation

Quick reminder here, if GIT for SourceTree on Windows is broken, or being deployed to a machine with restricted internet you can manually install it using the following method. 1. Download the latest 32-bit portableGit installer from Github (  i.e. PortableGit-2.28.0-32-bit.7z.exe 2. Check the SHA-256 signature 3. Run the .exe installer and install it to the folder; %LOCALAPPDATA%\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_Local e.g. c:\users\gar…

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