Microsoft's Enhanced Security Admin Environment (ESAE) architecture is being retired

The ESAE architecture is being deprecated.  It's not that surprising given recent changes to Microsoft's cloud infrastructure and the huge shift to remote working. Enhanced Security Admin Environment (ESAE) architecture mainstream retirement Retiring the red forest as a legacy security mechanismMicrosoft Docs MicrosoftGuyJFlo []it's detailed in the link above, but the replacement is to a Privileged Access (PA) strategy.  There's a…

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Windows Application Control

Another useful thread for defenders.  Powerful auditing/blocking; > Application Control is one of the most common recommendations for making your environment that of an Apex Defender. While getting started can be daunting, these three simple lines of PowerShell are a HUGE start, and will audit every binary not from Windows or Microsoft. [] — Lee Holmes (@Lee_Holmes) December 19, 2020 […

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Protecting Microsoft 365 from on-prem attacks

> We, along with the security industry and our partners, continue to investigate the extent of the Solorigate attack. Read more for intelligence on the scope, impact, remediation guidance, and product detections and protections we have built in as a result: [] — Microsoft Security (@msftsecurity) December 19, 2020 [] Protecting Microsoft 365…

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A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture

This is a helpful resource if you are just getting started (or want to test yourself against best-practices). A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture - Microsoft SecurityThis blog post will explain simple Microsoft security defaults and Secure Score—two features you should take advantage of that are easy to utilize and can significantly improve security in Azure AD and Office 365 configurations.Microsoft Security [https://www…

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Blue Team quick wins

Another list of useful techniques for network defenders; > Due to the massive response on this tweet I got inspired to write a blog post about some easy wins that makes Red Teaming harder. So, giving away 4 free easy wins for Christmas in this post. 🎅 Enjoy — Oddvar Moe (@Oddvarmoe) December 10, 2020 [] and the blog post to go with it; 4 Free Easy Wins That Make Red Te…

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