> This is my checklist in large hardening a Windows 10 Standalone box that is non domain join. It covers disabling Powershell v2. https://t.co/g8n9Wb3wpl https://t.co/Jlo609WkK0 — Root (@rootsecdev) January 2, 2021 [https://twitter.com/rootsecdev/status/1345452825271291904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] rootsecdev/Microsoft-Blue-ForestCreating a hardened “Blue Forest” with Server 2016/2019 Domain Controllers - rootsecdev/Microsoft-Blue-ForestGitHubrootsecdev [https://github.com/rootsecdev/Microsoft-Blue…
All posts in Security
> What's your training plan for the new year? Check out our cyber security training for staff https://t.co/e0QB6JfNp0 pic.twitter.com/T5Tjcqekvb [https://t.co/T5Tjcqekvb] — NCSC UK (@NCSC) January 1, 2021 [https://twitter.com/NCSC/status/1344972899741032448?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] NCSC’s new cyber security training for staff now availableThe NCSC’s new e-learning package ‘Top Tips For Staff’ can be completed online, or built into your own training platform. [https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/blog-post/ncsc-…
> Quit logging around, lay the foundations for security readiness https://t.co/9PH5DU3XY6 pic.twitter.com/vtqWyybRkN [https://t.co/vtqWyybRkN] — NCSC UK (@NCSC) December 29, 2020 [https://twitter.com/NCSC/status/1343984148101423104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] Introduction to logging for security purposesLaying the groundwork for incident readiness. [https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/introduction-logging-security-purposes]…
another great thread for defenders; > Here's a threat on some overpowered technologies to slow down attackers that you can implement _now_. First, re-implement LAPS (https://t.co/GvdXwpy52L) at your peril. 1/14 — Jeff McJunkin (@jeffmcjunkin) December 27, 2020 [https://twitter.com/jeffmcjunkin/status/1343335540704231424?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]…
More great info on AzureAD security. Read the thread; > My take: Many Azure AD (AAD) environments are repeating same mistakes as they did with Active Directory. Improve AAD Security: 1. Use PIM to control AAD roles (limit permanent members) 2. Only admin accounts in AAD roles 3. Ensure cloud admins use admin systems Thread 1/3 https://t.co/5oTFSpj4I8 — Sean Metcalf (@PyroTek3) December 24, 2020 [https://twitter.com/PyroTek3/status/1341999819615830016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]…