Copy databases from 5 different SQL Servers in 100 seconds with the DBATools PowerShell Module – Mike F Robbins

Copy databases from 5 different SQL Servers in 100 seconds with the DBATools PowerShell ModuleAs referenced in my blog article from yesterday, I’ll be presenting a PowerShell 101 session at SQL Saturday Atlanta tomorrow morning (July 15, 2017). While I plan to cover the basics of Powe…Mike F RobbinsMike F Robbins []…

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Powershell Module logging

> Everyone has module logging enabled with PowerShell v5 right? Keep on the lookout for those 4104s. =) > Everyone has module logging enabled with PowerShell v5 right? Keep on the lookout for those 4104s. =) [] — Jason Lang (@curi0usJack) October 5, 2016 []…

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Jeff Wouters [MVP] (@JeffWouters): I've finally released the first public version of my #TrellOps #PowerShell module!

> I've finally released the first public version of my #TrellOps []#PowerShell [] module! #Trello Read the !!! > I've finally released the first public version of my #TrellOps [] #PowerShell [] module! #Trello [https://twi…

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Amanda Debler (@texmandie): Watch @cl take #PSConfEU on her journey to 200k+ rows/second with PowerShell and SQL Server

> Watch @cl [] take #PSConfEU [] on her journey to 200k+ rows/second with PowerShell and SQL Server > Watch @cl [] take #PSConfEU [] on her journey to 2…

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