Setting up Visual Studio External Tools (Using Powershell to generate build numbers)

Setting up Visual Studio External Tools (Using Powershell to generate build numbers)

Below are the settings required to set up external tools in Visual Studio, and how to use Powershell to generate build numbers. Create GUID Item Value Title Create &GUID Command C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Tools\guidgen.exe Initial directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Tools Get Build Number Item Value Title Get Build Number (Today) Command C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Prof…

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Powershell script to get a directory file listing with file versions

A rough and ready script to dump a directory's file listing including file and product versions for any executables and DLLs. $OutputFile = 'c:\temp\Output.csv' Set-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "path,created,modified,fileVersion,productVersion" $Files = Get-ChildItem -File .\* -Include *.* -Recurse foreach ($File in $Files) { $ThisFile = (Get-Item $file) $Name = $ThisFile.FullName; $Created = $ThisFile.CreationTime $Modified = $ThisFile.LastWriteTime if ($ThisFile.Extension -…

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Powershell Security Session

Great resource here; > US CERT bulletin calls out #PowerShell [] in #Iran [] #Cyber [] threat. #infosec [] A bit extreme at points but do logging for sure. Do you have PS logging enabled? Use this hands-on lab to learn…

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Implementing DBaTools' DBAChecks

Some useful info on implementing DBaChecks; This post will detail the SQL database/infrastructure tests we have configured on our data warehouse environment using dbachecks [], the open source PowerShell module. I will just say I think dbachecks is awesome.  I’m pretty grounded and not known to hype things up but if anybody is questioning if they should be using the module I would strongly encourage them to do so.  There is a bit of a learning curve if…

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