Edge Extension: Use My Current Account

If you are using MS Edge to manage an Azure or Microsoft365 environment, this is the extension for you! Rather than being repeatedly prompted for which Microsoft account you wish to use, this extension will use the account associated with the current Edge Profile. The extension (Add-on) is available here: Use My Current Account - Microsoft Edge Addons and it is the great work of @clairernovotny…

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InTune baselines

InTune baselines

> Exactly why I wrote this blog series going trough MDATP security recommendations one by one. Set what fit your needs and not a big baseline. https://t.co/0dSvsmrAeG — Mattias Melkersen (@MMelkersen) January 21, 2021 [https://twitter.com/MMelkersen/status/1352144854432804864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] Mattias, has a great blog series here; How I manage my device from Endpoint Manager - taste your own medicine - Part 1 of 4Introduction Do you like managing devices? Do you like to keep them safe? The…

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Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365

Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365

Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365 - Office 365 Admins can learn how to elevate the security settings and use reports, alerts, and investigations for priority accounts in their Microsoft 365 organizations. Microsoft Docschrisda [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/security-recommendations-for-priority-accounts?view=o365-worldwide]…

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Protecting Microsoft 365 from on-prem attacks

> We, along with the security industry and our partners, continue to investigate the extent of the Solorigate attack. Read more for intelligence on the scope, impact, remediation guidance, and product detections and protections we have built in as a result: https://t.co/SjSR0tIYiO pic.twitter.com/Sxu8vpvX9Z [https://t.co/Sxu8vpvX9Z] — Microsoft Security (@msftsecurity) December 19, 2020 [https://twitter.com/msftsecurity/status/1340095784071663617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] Protecting Microsoft 365…

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A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture

This is a helpful resource if you are just getting started (or want to test yourself against best-practices). A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture - Microsoft SecurityThis blog post will explain simple Microsoft security defaults and Secure Score—two features you should take advantage of that are easy to utilize and can significantly improve security in Azure AD and Office 365 configurations.Microsoft Security [https://www…

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