Managing Encrypted DNS

Managing Encrypted DNS

> If you use Google Chrome or Firefox in your enterprise you should ensure you are locking down DoH options so that DNS traffic is going through your company resolvers. — Root (@rootsecdev) January 17, 2021 [] NSA Recommends How Enterprises Can Securely Adopt Encrypted DNSThe National Security Agency released a cybersecurity product, “Adopting Encrypted DNS in Enterprise Environments,” Thursday…

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Explaining TTL (Time to Live)

I was explaining to a colleague how TTL works in DNS.  Later that evening my google feed suggested this helpful article; An Easy Primer on TTL (Time to Live) - KeyCDN SupportTTL, or time to live, is a DNS setting used to determine how long a DNS record should be cached in a local resolver. Learn about its performance benefits.KeyCDN []Helpful.  But creepy.... Google's always listening 🤔…

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