Publishing with GitHub Pages

Nice article here on using Github Pages and building a static website for repo documentation. How To Simplify the Dreaded Task of Documentation Publishing with GitHub Pages -- Visual Studio MagazineYou don’t have to reinvent the Web site to publish some documentation for your project. Take advantage of GitHub Pages to build almost point-and-click doc sites.Visual Studio MagazineTerrence Dorsey []…

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Docfx - documentation for .NET Docfx helps us make documentation easier for .NETOne of the most tedious jobs of being a developer is maintaining documentation, but it shouldn’t be a difficult task. When writing documentation, one doesn’t always want to be concerned about how things look per se, but rather how things are communicated. Having to focus on just writingFanie ReyndersFanie Reynders […

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airbnb's real-time alerting system.  Worth looking into... airbnb/streamalertStreamAlert is a serverless, realtime data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert on data from any environment, using datasources and alerting logic you define. - airbn...GitHubairbnb []…

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20 Signs Your Web Designer is Terrible

There's some useful points here.  Not sure how many of these my site will fail on :) > 8. Your web designer is YOU! Ouch.  I did at least purchase the template theme... 🤷‍♂️ > 20 Signs Your Web Designer is Terrible []…

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Make Better Software

> 40 pages about software engineering, hiring developers and technical leadership. Free PDF! > 40 pages about software engineering, hiring developers and technical leadership. Free PDF! [] — Joel Spolsky (@spolsky) August 17, 2016 []…

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