
This is cool!  Check out DragonFruit for simple command line apps/tools etc > Probably should have linked to the actual repo too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — David Wengier (@davidwengier) December 19, 2018 [] dotnet/command-line-apiCommand line parsing, invocation, and rendering of terminal output. - dotnet/command-line-apiGitHubdotnet []…

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CyberChef tool by GCHQ

this is pretty cool.  particularly useful for online URL decoding and base64 en/de-coding > If you don't know about the AWESOME 💯CyberChef tool by @GCHQ [], you do now: ✅Open Source ✅On Github ✅Interactive version online ✅Decodes this COM Scriptlet like a BOSS: 👉 h/t @QW5kcmV3 []🙏 cc/ @ItsReallyNick […

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Slow Connections with Sql Server - Rick Strahl's Web Log

Slow Connections with Sql ServerRan into a problem with extremely slow SQL Server connections when connecting to the server. Connections would take 2 seconds or more even on repeat connections. It turns out the problem is related to missing TCP/IP protocol support which is disabled by default.Rick Strahl []…

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