Protecting Microsoft 365 from on-prem attacks

> We, along with the security industry and our partners, continue to investigate the extent of the Solorigate attack. Read more for intelligence on the scope, impact, remediation guidance, and product detections and protections we have built in as a result: [] — Microsoft Security (@msftsecurity) December 19, 2020 [] Protecting Microsoft 365…

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A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture

This is a helpful resource if you are just getting started (or want to test yourself against best-practices). A “quick wins” approach to securing Azure Active Directory and Office 365 and improving your security posture - Microsoft SecurityThis blog post will explain simple Microsoft security defaults and Secure Score—two features you should take advantage of that are easy to utilize and can significantly improve security in Azure AD and Office 365 configurations.Microsoft Security [https://www…

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Microsoft #Azure Exams just went live

Looks like some useful study guides here; > Microsoft #Azure [] Exams just went live! ☁🎓 - AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies - AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design Check out my exam study guides to become a Azure Certified Solution Architect: Az-303: Az-304: [] — Thomas Maurer (@ThomasMaurer) September 20, 2020 [https://…

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Script for Azure MFA authentication method analysis

> Another reminder that you should run this amazing script to do some @azuread [] MFA analysis for you with recommendations. Please respond with the best finding you have in gif form and I'll interpret it. — Mark Morowczynski (@markmorow) September 3, 2020 [] Script for Azure MFA authentication method analysis - Code SamplesAnalyses Azure AD users to…

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Learn how to secure @Azure AD administrator accounts through secure devices, dedicated administrator accounts, and just-in-time privileges.

> Learn how to secure @Azure [] AD administrator accounts through secure devices, dedicated administrator accounts, and just-in-time privileges. Explore the free learning module here: [] #SysAdmin [] #ITOps []…

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