SourceTree "Select a credential helper" repeatedly appearing

Atlassian's SourceTree has an annoying habit of prompting to select a credential helper. Here's how to resolve the issue. The fix is to update the local GIT config.  The file (on windows) is located at: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_local\etc\gitconfig and the "credential: helper" key needs to be set to "manager", as below: [core] symlinks = false autocrlf = true fscache = true [color] diff = auto status = auto branch = auto interactive = true [pack] packSizeLimit = 2g [h…

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InTune baselines

InTune baselines

> Exactly why I wrote this blog series going trough MDATP security recommendations one by one. Set what fit your needs and not a big baseline. — Mattias Melkersen (@MMelkersen) January 21, 2021 [] Mattias, has a great blog series here; How I manage my device from Endpoint Manager - taste your own medicine - Part 1 of 4Introduction Do you like managing devices? Do you like to keep them safe? The…

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Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365

Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365

Security recommendations for priority accounts in Microsoft 365 - Office 365 Admins can learn how to elevate the security settings and use reports, alerts, and investigations for priority accounts in their Microsoft 365 organizations. Microsoft Docschrisda []…

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