Kyocera Password Reset
Useful if you have any dealings with Kyocera Printers;
The important bit was here; from Don N.;
I know this is somewhat an old post but just in case someone is looking for how to reset Command Center RX password on the 4200 / 2100 series printers it can be done from the printers' interface.
From the printer menu, go to User / Job account - OK
Log on P/W for DeviceNote - Here is the "device log on" from service manual.
FS 2100 (4000)
FS 4100 (4500)
FS 4200 (5000)
FS 4300 (6000)Go to User Login Set - OK
Local User List - OK
Admin - OKArrow to Login User Name - Edit
(This is where you reset User Name default - Admin)Arrow over to Login P/W - Edit
(This is where you reset P/W default -Admin)
After resetting P/W you will be prompted for a 2nd time to confirm.Back out and turn printer off / on and you should be able now to log in the Command Center RX with your new U/N &n P/W.