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Introducing @Cloudflare Access. A better way to #VPN! > Introducing @Cloudflare [] Access. A better way to #VPN []! — Matthew Prince 🌥 (@eastdakota) January 17, 2018 [] Cloudflare | Press ReleasesCloudflare builds upon Google’s BeyondCorp initiative, creating a solution for everyone…
Microsoft Security Guidance blogMicrosoft Docskexugit []…
This is a superb thread!; > "Holy crap, I just traced an infection with Sysmon and the killchain was it trying to launch a .js file with PowerShell, but we remapped .JS to notepad.exe" > Holy crap, I just traced an infection with Sysmon and the killchain was it trying to launch a .js file with PowerShell, but we remapped .JS to notepad.exe — SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) January 17, 2018 []…
> Let's Encrypt (@letsencrypt) tweeted at 5:34 am on Sat, Oct 14, 2017:Wordpress security guide featuring our own Daniel Jeffrey > Wordpress security guide featuring our own Daniel Jeffrey via @getPantheon [] — Let's Encrypt (@letsencrypt) October 14, 2017 []…