@ashwinpatil: Monitor when a user is added to Azure Active Directory

> Want to monitor🧐 when a user is added to Azure Active Directory Privileged Groups💪 🚨GitHub PR : https://t.co/FjdfQTSfk8 Bookmark : 📌List of AAD Audit Activities : https://t.co/mJ6UpzRIIR 📌Directory Admin Role Permissions: https://t.co/CJosM6dXnM#KQL [https://twitter.com/hashtag/KQL?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #AzureSentinel [https://twitter.com/hashtag/AzureSentinel?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] pic.twitter.com/FNNDRRHVaZ [https://t.co/FNNDRRHVaZ] — Ashwin Patil (@ashwinpatil) July…

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HeikeRitter: BOOM I did it! Now it's your turn to become a Microsoft Defender ATP Ninja!!

> BOOM 🔥 I did it! 🤓 Now it's your turn to become a Microsoft Defender ATP Ninja!! Thanks everyone who helped pulling this together! ❤ https://t.co/bV0jX2xPQ0 #mdatp [https://twitter.com/hashtag/mdatp?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #training [https://twitter.com/hashtag/training?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #infosec [https://twitter.com/hashtag/infosec?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #cybersecurity [https://twitter.com/hashtag/cybersecurity?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #onlinetraining [https…

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@NathanMcNulty: Top 16 Active Directory vulnerabilities found during pentests - REMEDIATION

> This is such an awesome writeup, but it's missing one thing - remediation steps Some AD admins may know how to fix these issues, but it's fair to assume some do not. I'd also highly recommend using PingCastle by @mysmartlogon [https://twitter.com/mysmartlogon?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] as it audits most of this and more. Thread time! https://t.co/99LVR6tcp0 — Nathan McNulty (@NathanMcNulty) July 12, 2020 [https://twitter.com/NathanMcNulty/status/1282369991308763136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]…

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@rootsecdev: The powershell code below is something everyone with an Azure AD Tenant should be running in their environment to spot check Granted OATH permissions. Attackers are utilizing malicious OATH grants for persistence

> The powershell code below is something everyone with an Azure AD Tenant should be running in their environment to spot check Granted OATH permissions. Attackers are utilizing malicious OATH grants for persistence. Want to learn more? See >> https://t.co/6EcoyguimQ https://t.co/zW42DYpjAS — Root (@rootsecdev) July 13, 2020 [https://twitter.com/rootsecdev/status/1282640558025060354?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]…

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Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros is now (finally) available!

> [ebook] Extremely happy to announce that "Microsoft 365 Security for IT Pros" is now (finally) available! Get the book and more information through the link! #m365securitybook [https://twitter.com/hashtag/m365securitybook?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #microsoft365 [https://twitter.com/hashtag/microsoft365?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] #mvpbuzz [https://twitter.com/hashtag/mvpbuzz?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] https://t.co/fMfk4RZCj3 — Michael Van Horenbeeck (@vanhybrid) July 13, 2020 [htt…

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